Photo by Aaron Burden

Join or renew and stay connected!

NPSAS members are at the heart of our work!
Your participation and membership support further enables us to fulfill our commitment in our quest to help serve growers striving to produce high-quality, healthy food using organic and sustainable techniques.

For as little as $5/month, you can join hundreds of others just like you. Together we will collaboratively work to advocate for truly sustainable agriculture while securing a food system that can provide food for all in the future. We are at a crossroads in the world’s food system. We can no longer continue our current trajectory of producing and consuming the wrong types of food at an unsustainable cost to natural resources, the environment and human health.

That’s why we need and rely on your help. Act now by joining today!

Your yearly membership includes:
• Educational opportunities including the 2-1/2 day Winter Conference and Summer Field Days
• Winter Conference registration discount (Save the date: Jan. 24-26, 2019 – Holiday Inn, Fargo, ND)
• Discounted or often free registration to summer field days and consumer events
• 32-page quarterly newsletter, the Germinator (Click Here for a sample copy)
• Electronic newsletter, the e-Sprout
• Connecting to mentors
• Grower member directory listed on our website (optional)
• Access to My Neighbor’s Acre fund and college scholarship fund for you or your children
• Access to the NPSAS lending library
Your yearly membership supports the work we do including:
• Advocating on your behalf for better state and federal farm and food policies.
• Strengthening the organic movement from the grass-roots up.
• Promoting public awareness as to where our food is sourced and how it’s produced.
• Working towards changing the way food is produced (stopping the overuse of antibiotics and pesticides).
• Ensuring farm animals have a good life – free to roam, graze and play.
• Providing resources to grow healthy food successfully.
Become a member today!
College student yearly membership: $40
Basic yearly membership: $60 (Includes you, your spouse or significant partner & minor children)
Business yearly membership: $250 (For businesses and farms with multiple farming partners)
Lifetime membership: $999 (Includes you, your spouse or significant partner & minor children. Does not transfer to next generation.)
To become a member: Sign up online (below), Send check (U.S. funds) to NPSAS, PO Box 276 Moorhead, MN 56561 or call the office to use your credit card at 2183314099
Membership Registration

Personal Information

Please provide as much information as possible. We are building an online directory and also printing a directory of members and business resources for distribution to members and new and transitioning farmers.

Directory Information



Membership Plan


